C++ unit testing & CI integration in GitHub (2/2)
Based on the previous post , we are able to integrate our Android JNI project with CI tools, Circle-CI and GitHub Actions. However, we still have a little unperfected because we were unable to enable an Android emulator running for Android JNI unit tests. Now, I think I got a solution, it is using Android Emulator Runner . Add a job for Android Emulator When I first saw the instruction from Android Emulator Runner , I was thinking it should be super easy and should not take me an hour, but I was wrong... Let's use the sample config from that Android Emulator Runner link. jobs: test: runs-on: macos-latest steps: - name: checkout uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: run tests uses: reactivecircus/android-emulator-runner@v2 with: api-level: 29 script: ./gradlew connectedCheck This test job is run on a Mac OS machine and going to checkout your code from the repo and launch an Android emulators. I am supposed Linux and Windows machine a...