2008.04~2009.02 GPD-Tools Team, software engineer
- Developed PC/Console platform tools and engine
- Auto-build tools pipeline
- Level editor development
- Planar shadow
- Game play character animation system
- Sky box/dome
- Dynamic texture lighting
- BSP-based scene graph
- Developed PC platform engine
- Direct3D 9 api
- Advance material: diffuse, detail, normal, specular, environment map, glossy map
- Light system: per vertex/pixel lighting, direction/point/spot light
- Cascade shadow map
- Deferred rendering
- Material sorting, sorting and proper display of transparent objects
- Visibility culling
- Distance/volumetric fog
- PSP platform engine development
- UI scripting system
- Font system
- Post effect
- Developing Flash 3D engine, Adobe Flash runtime prerelease team member
- GPU rendering, support Stage3D API
- Lighting system
- Materials-diffuse, normal, specular, emissive, glossy map
- Material sorting, sorting and proper display of transparent objects
- 3D billboard, plane
- Projective texturing
- Shadow map with PCF filter
- Flash display object GPU acceleration
- Particle system with local and world transform
- Sphere map in environment map
- GPU particle
- Depth sorting for alpha-blending objects and particle
- Layer-based object sorting
- Developed Android social network app
- Facebook graph api
- Google map api
- Http post/get
- Async-Http client
- Take picture function
- Chat room
- Utilize SQLite to be the local database system
- Notification system: Google Cloud Messaging for Android (GCM)
- Developing HTML5 engine
- OpenGLES api
- Use LLVM compiler to transform native code from C/C++ to JavaScript (Emscripten).
- Developing Flash 3D engine, Adobe Flash runtime prerelease team member
- Using Adobe AIR to support iOS mobile devices
- Using Adobe AIR to support Android mobile devices
- Developing a cross-platform game engine(C++, Flash)
- Design a entity-componented based game system
- Cross-platform material system which support OpenGL, Direct3D, Stage3D
- Using WPF to develop a node-based shader editor, and WYSIWYG. This system can automatically convert shader to HLSL, GLSL, and AGAL.
- Design a new production pipeline, and collaborate to develop the level editor to achieve WYSIWYG by using this engine.
- Cross-platform compressed texture format
- Support PC(Direct3D, OpenGL), Flash, iOS, and Andorid platforms