
Showing posts from December, 2010


這禮拜今年引擎所規劃的開發工作都即將一一被驗收完畢,這套系統從我進公司時從無到有到現在技術一一被實作完畢,從那時剛畢業一無所知到現在可以慢慢獨當一面,我確實從這過程成長了許多。 這套引擎看不到要給誰用,能夠幫上哪個專案。這是讓我感到灰心的...我為了它一個禮拜加了三四天的班,我想要的只是讓台灣知道我們的技術能力,想要乘著這艘船挑戰著世界...但這艘船始終無法啟航。我實在有點無力,熱情一點點被熄滅,現在什麼東西只要有就好了,我已經無法在繼續要求自己再更好了,我對其他同事也不再要求,只要大家能開心就好了... 不管明年的新目標是什麼,明年可能又是做一艘新的船,可能不做船了,不管結果怎樣,我還是讓自己成為了一個船匠,謝謝一起努力的夥伴們。

Cascaded shadow map implement done

This week I finished cascade shadow map implement, I use two split to save the shadow map. The fine one can show clear result, when the objects are far enough to out view, we save them to the rough texture. Fine texture is close to 1024 x 1024, the rough texture can be 512x512, after the distance I don't want to wrtie to my texture. I provide splitlambda to adjust image resolution between fine and rough texture, and also can use splitscale to solve the situation when texel is close to the near plane.                                              Perspective view - has a little artifact Orthogonal view - improve the artifact

web plugin default resource folder

IE 8.0 your desktop Google chrome C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\8.0.552.215 Mozilla  Firefox C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox The windows program named c:\windows\regsvr32.exe is used to register and unregister ActiveX DLL's and OCX's. (An OCX file is merely a renamed DLL file.) You RUN regsvr32 as follows: Register: regsvr32 dllFileName.dll UnRegister: regsvr32 /u dllFileName.dll   "plugins": [ { "path": "your_npapi_plugin.dll" } ],   < script > var plugin = document.getElementById("MyNPAPIPluginId"); ... < /script > using-npapi-in-c +your+plugin