JavaScript singleton pattern
In JavaScript, it would let you feel struggle to implement singleton design pattern. This is my first experiment:
View = { _viewer: undefined, initView: function() { // init view }, getView: function() { // get view return _viewer; } };But I figure out this approach can't express 'encapsulate', so the user can get _viewer directly. Therefore, I decide to rewrite it. I rewrite it to:
var View = ( function() { var _viewer = undefined; function init() { // init view }; function getView() { // get view return _viewer; }; return { init(): { init(); }, getView(): { return getView(); } }; }; } ) ();This method can achieve 'encapsulate', uses its method like View.getView(), but you have to program the interface two times on function and return parts. Finally, I decide to use the bottom method, this method is the perfect solution for me now.
// unstrict mode: var View = ( function() { if ( arguments.callee._singletonInstance ) return arguments.callee._singletonInstance; arguments.callee._singletonInstance = this; var _viewer = undefined; this.init = function() { // init view }; this.getView = function() { // get view return _viewer; }; }; } ) (); new View(); // strict mode: var View = ( function() { if (View.prototype._singletonInstance) return View.prototype._singletonInstance; View.prototype._singletonInstance = this; var _viewer = undefined; this.init = function() { // init view }; this.getView = function() { // get view return _viewer; }; }; } ) (); new View();This method you also can use its method like this way View.getView();, however you needn't multiple define the interfaces.
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