From Console to Chrome

Console to chrome

Ubiquitous code, not for every browser or device
Webgl:opengles2.0 shader model
No depth buffer access, limited tex compression . Read pixel get(), glfinish are extra expensive
Webaudio chrome only.graph based

JavaScript type less, jit compiler, single thread, gc. Robust, lawless.

Code standard for sanity
Defensive coding: layer complexity
But... Easy to write slow code, small change big cinquecento.

Jit objectModel optCompiler GC

Jit: parse js, fast to compile
Small int,fast. 31bits on 32 machine, 32 on x64
64bit heap numbers: slightly slow
Arrays: typedArrays : memory efficient
JsARray: allow not possible in C
Var a = [1000] not a=[] is a good way.

Hidden classes: internal type system. Expensive first time, cheap after. Try to create all properties!!

Hash table is dicionary mode: too many properties

Optimizer compiler:
Warm up on full gerenal path. Profiler for hot function, inclining, licm, gvn. Bailout try to optimize but quit.
Dept: trace all possible???

Static and like c performance
Reduce properties

Garage collection
Promotion is expensive, release your reference avoid gc stalls, return value also generate object.

Browser capabilities, local hw vary
Micro benchmark, test loading, test data in update

About gpu
Don't spill the buffer(flush), limit upload size per frame. Share buffer.
Drivers. Test by creating context
Angle: directX9 on windows
Swiftshader: software rasterizer
Render loop: setinterval, settimeout, requestanimationframe(RAF)- try to call at 60hz, adapt to load

Game loop

RAF vs user input: buffer your inputs , handle in raf

Budget 2-4frame for chrome
Queue inputs to handle in raf

Chrome developer tool:
Timeline, CPU, heap profiler

IDE: Webgl inspector:

Download the powerpoint and watch the video


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