Terrain in BattleField 3: A modern, complete, scalable system
Multiple raster resources used
- arbitrary view distance
- arbitrary lod
- arbitrary velocity
Main observation
Quadtree node payload
- with / without ---?
- used as LODs
payload with LOD
- cost independently on size
- scalable
without LOD - not scalable
Terrain decoration payloads
- list of instance transforms ( grass, tree,,)
- according - scattering, shader splatted
- quite unique
- near-root high view distance
Realtime ed in FrostEd
Workflow issue
- compression and runtime editing
- bypass pipeline
- update scheme for procedural content need
- Frostbite terrains too large for some popular tools
Efficient on CPU
Efficient on GPU
GPU optmization: procedural virtual texturing
- shader splatting --- rendering slowly
- splatting not scaable in view distance: can't afford mutipass
By splatting into a texture!!!
Virtual texture key values
texture format
-Indices into virtual texture tile atlas
- how reach 1Mx1M
- indirection texture go 4k x 4k
Clipmap indirection
- resolved on CPU for each draw call
Tile compositing
benf: small diet footprint, low latency, dynamic update, efficient workflow
Virtual texture issues
- blurriness
-runtime compression quality
-gpu tile cost offset
-limit hw filtering
-compositing latency
-limit at around 32 samples per meter
- two shader splatting: diff, normal,specular, smoothness
Data streaming
- typical tile size: 133x133x2
tile by tile streaming
- for slower gameplay
Tile bundle streaming
Hybrid streaming
Resident set size: powerful blurriness
- mip bias applied to terrain raster streaming
-pipeline trick --- no data is lost, cut tile size in half, addd on leaf level
BF3 blurriness
- cheap raster DX1
physics issue
Reducing disk seeks
- latency
- co-locate nearby tiles
Improvement throughput
- data tile are compressed by pipeline
- incomplete quadtree
Hide latency
- global priority
Global priority
Procedural mesh generation
-mesh generated from hightailed
-straight-forward tessellation
-patches of 16x16 tris
-proj size roughly size
-blockly creastline
- hightfield sampled in vertex shader
- vertex shader fetch texture is too slow
- so...?
Mesh stitching
- modify index, vertex unchange
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